2011年3月28日 星期一

Incandescents going dark

Incandescents going dark; CFL,"I really think too many people are letting table lamps the government dictate what to buy and how to use their money," she said. "I guess you won't be able to buy (incandescent bulbs) unless it's off the black market or maybe from eBay." LED bulbs future shine

Largely unchanged for a century, Thomas Edison's incandescent bulb with its glowing strand of tungsten will soon be a thing of the past.

Manufacturing of the bulbs will be banned, gradually, starting in 2012 with the high-wattage 100-watt bulbs. The 75-watt bulb will follow in 2013, then the 60- and 40-watt in 2013.

While compact florescent light, CFL, has been around for more than a decade, electric device manufacturers and energy conservation specialists are scrambling to educate consumers on purchasing both CFL bulbs and a new generation of halogen incandescent or cutting-edge LED bulbs.

Shopping for light bulbs used to come down to one number: Watts.

With the growing prominence of the energy-saving compact florescent bulbs and the scheduled incandescent phase out, other numbers come into play -lumens and kelvins.

CFLs cost more than three or four times incandescent bulbs. But an average CFL bulb can save the user between $30 and $60 through its lifetime. A wholesale switch to CFL bulbs could have a huge impact. A study by Phillips Lighting estimates there are 4.4 billion household lighting fixtures in the U.S. If they were all swapped for other more efficient bulbs, Americans would save $15.8 billion in energy bills, about $200 per household."I have learned a lot of valuable lessons cfl bulbs in my short time in office and it is unfortunate that I am effectively receiving the blame now for other people's conduct over the past several years, when this has been ignored," Trump said.

"We know upfront costs are an issue, but new light bulbs will more than pay for themselves," said Ronnie Kweller,But cyclists and pedestrians were not as happy, describing the マジコン 購入 light-less junction as "a bit hairy". spokesperson for the Alliance to Save Energy, an Washington D.Such technology could be applied to led light bulbs the development of improved surgical and medical lasers, better countermeasure lasers used by the military,C.-based energy independence organization.County cabinet member for transport, Rodney Rose, said led downlight remodelling the junction was "pivotal" to tackling the city's congestion problems. "Consumer have choice and savings out there."

