2011年1月27日 星期四

Acuity Brands launches new LED luminaire

Acuity Brands launches new LED luminaire

The new Holophane Petrolux(R) LED luminaires from Acuity Brands claims to provide LED lighting solutions for harsh environments, including classified hazardous locations. Designed to serve as both indoor and outdoor lighting fixtures, the new LED luminaires claims to meet the stringent requirements of a range of lighting applications in harsh and environmentally challenging facilities. It includes waste water treatment, power generation, petro-chemical, pulp and paper, textile, and ethanol and biodiesel production plants.

The new indoor/outdoor luminaires are designed with multiple lumen package options and several optical choices available to fulfill various needs. Endural(R) borosilicate glass for the LED optics also claim to minimise glare and provide balanced horizontal and vertical illumination to boost visibility, productivity and safety. Petrolux LED luminaires come with long and narrow symmetric light distribution.

Holophane Petrolux(R) LED luminaires are integrated with a dedicated thermal management system,Where to recycle a fluorescent bulbs after it burns out; which according to the company, improves luminaire reliability and extends the fixtures' useful life. The fixture features a Universal Mount option, which is a single mount that allows for pendent,Chief Executive Officer of Lighting Science Group, said: “While other companies pet supply stores are struggling to develop performance LED lighting products we are bringing to market state-of-the-art lighting solutions that Americans can afford.” wall,Bart is allowed into the house where he curls up on the couch before led lamp the wood stove. However, no matter how cold it gets at night without the rain, snow or a gale, he seems to prefer to guard our home from his dog house which is heavily lined with a bedding of soft pine shavings. Every now and then, ceiling or stanchion mounting when used with the universal arm accessory.The Tess 7W and 9W LED Light Bulbs. These light bulbs produce the same brightness as 40W and 60W standard light bulbs led lights respectively, but use less than 20 percent as much electricity. This feature reduces the need to order multiple mounting configurations and claims to reduce installation and replacement costs.For the second time in solar panel the four-year history of the NHL Winter Classic, the Penguins are one of the participating teams for the New Year's Day game. For the first time, they're hosting, borrowing Heinz Field from the Steelers for the noon game. Dimming options helps in reducing the energy load and operating costs.

