2010年9月21日 星期二

You and I took a special chance

You and I took a special chance
--by Edmund You and I took a special chance
the first time we met...
we both knew enough of love, and life, to understand that
two people don't fall in love,
they grow into it, slowly —
and we'd both been hurt before by feelings that seemed too easily lost...
but there was something between usfrom the beginning
a unique harmony that made us take that special chance...

You and I took a special chance
the first time we argued...
after feeling hurt and sad, and both of us trying to apologize
at the same time for disagreeing
over such a small matter, we knew
that our relationship was worth more
than anything that might come between us.

We knew after that first time
that what we had together
would see us through the hard times
and make us better appreciate the good,
because we took that special chance...

You and I took a special chance
the first time we said "I love you"...
for we knew that we would share
stormy as well as sunny times, laugher ans tears, some dreams that
would come beautifully true, and others
that would fade in our memories —
and we knew in our hearts
that our love deserved all the effort
we could make to fulfill our life together...
for we took that special chance...
and found a very special love.

